10 Italian Culinary Commandments

Here is our subjective list of 10 culinary commandments in the Italian edition.

1. Respect natural ingredients

Love the beautiful and good wherever they are, and protest when you see the gifts of divine grace being torn to shreds.

2. Use good quality ingredients

Always choose natural, unprocessed ingredients of the highest quality. It will speak well of you.

3. Use seasonal products

Vegetables should be prepared at their peak when they are inexpensive and should be selected for their good quality and reasonable ripeness. Use only healthy, ripe fruit when in season.

4. Don't complicate it

In Italian cuisine we will find more simple and delicate dishes, and less complicated and composed of too many elements. The more ingredients, the less original taste of wonderful Italian products

5. Be Passionate, Be Careful

All you need to create good and tasty meals is passion, attention to detail and precision.

6. Practice patiently

Rome wasn’t built in a day. If you don’t succeed at first, don’t get frustrated; good will and persistence win.

7. Diversity that respects territory and seasonality

Modify the dishes in your own way according to your taste, country and seasonal vegetables found nearby.

8. Vary in accordance with simplicity and good taste

All dishes can be prepared in different ways, depending on the creativity of the creators. When you change them of your own free will, never lose sight of the simplicity, delicacy and pleasant flavors.

9. Reach for the “poor people’s kitchen”

Each of us knows pizza, bruschetta, salads, or cheeses. Many wonderful, tasty and popular dishes had their beginnings in times when the majority of society was poor. but where there is heart, there is also good taste.

10. Always be wary of all cookbooks

Be careful with books on this art. Most of them are confusing and incomprehensible. Once you know the culinary art better, you will be able to find useful ideas in them.

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