Discover the extraordinary flavors and traditions of the holidays in Italy - embark on a journey through their cuisine filled with aromas and family gatherings.

Christmas in Italy is a time of joyful celebration and spending time with family.
Traditional decorations, such as Nativity scenes (presepe), are very popular.
The night from the 24th to the 25th of December is a time when families attend Midnight Mass (messa di mezzanotte) to honor the birth of Jesus.
The holidays typically last until the Feast of the Epiphany (Epifania) on January 6th, when children receive gifts from La Befana, a character similar to Santa Claus.
During Christmas, Italians prepare many traditional dishes, such as:
A delicate, fluffy Christmas cake from Verona, usually served sprinkled with powdered sugar, without filling, which is associated with joyful holidays.
Cappelletti in Brodo:
Traditional dumplings in broth, particularly popular in northern regions of Italy, stuffed with meat or ricotta cheese, served in a delicate broth.
Zuppa Inglese:
A pudding-like dessert consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked in alcohol, custard cream, and candied fruits, served in molds or glasses.


Easter in Italy is celebrated in a very solemn and religious manner.
Before Easter, religious processions take place, especially on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Holy Week, known as Settimana Santa, is a time of deep religious contemplation and observance of the paschal mystery.
Traditional Easter dishes include colomba (dove-shaped cake), Easter eggs, and lamb.
Torta Pasqualina:
This is a traditional Italian Easter tart consisting of layers of crispy phyllo or shortcrust pastry, filled with spinach, eggs, and ricotta cheese. It symbolizes new life and rebirth.
Agnello al Forno:
This is roasted lamb, often prepared with herbs, garlic, and olive oil. Lamb is a traditional Easter symbol, evoking the Paschal sacrifice.
Colomba di Pasqua:
This is a sweet baked treat, shaped like a dove, called „Colomba”. Ingredients include flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and candied fruits.

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